computer assisted telephone interview cati

Achieving Larger Audience, Efficiently and Risk FREE

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CATI stands for Computer Assisted Telephone Interview. It is a market research method that involves market research surveys by interviewing the concerned respondent via telephonic communication.

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how cati will benefit your business


voice recording


Able to record every calls 100%. The recordings can be downloaded at convenient including with the call details.

market research in malaysia

Rich & Insightful Data

The interviewer can focus on interacting with the participant since the computer handles the technical aspects of the session. The standardization of research conditions with CATI also allows for more in-depth questions. 

Time Saving

Data is entered directly into the survey database in a structured format. This eliminates the need for additional data processing(e.g. transcription, data entry and coding).

High Accuracy Data

Risk of mistakes can be reduced since the questionnaire is displayed on a computer and completely automated. The data collection is highly accurate and computerized.

Real-time Report

Entering the responses immediately means that an analysis of results can be reviewed shortly after the last interview has been completed.


Database is protected under PDPA and highly secured since only the Project Manage/Supervisor In-Charge can access the database.


Do not worry as CATI can help you in achieving the sample size required within the budget set.

We can provide risk free research even during Covid-19 to ensure you get the results needed

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Real Time Report

You can view results in real-time.

We can conduct an in-depth analysis from targeted respondents to achieve the objective of the study.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, the quota need to be set and controlled to ensure the target respondents are captured correctly.

  • The study of customer satisfaction with a particular product or service (SCI, NPS).
  • Discover what products are popular, where to buy certain products, in which regions the products or services are most in demand.
  • The analysis of competitors, understanding competitors’ positions on the market.

Currently, we have 40 stations ready to be deployed for a larger scale surveys.

Since we are using a cloud based CATI system, we can grant access to client for their project.

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